Bear cubs tied in sack and offered for sale in Vietnam:FOUR PAWS rescues two Asiatic black bears from the illegal wildlife trade
Global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS has rescued two bear cubs that were confiscated by the authorities in Lai Chau province, North West Vietnam
London, 20 May 2022 - On 13 May, authorities arrested a man carrying around a suspicious looking sack, in which he had smuggled the female Asiatic black bear cubs. He confessed to having caught them in a cardamom field with the intention of selling them.
After being in contact with the authorities, a FOUR PAWS team made its way from BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh to Lai Chau province in an eleven-hour journey, to collect the bears and bring them safely to a new home and into their care.
Named Bé and Em, the cubs, who are most likely siblings, arrived safely at Ninh Binh on 15 May and will receive all the care they need to grow into healthy bears.
In recent years, the team at BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh has hand-raised five bear cubs rescued from similar circumstances as these and are highly experienced with the needs of such young bears.
The legal and illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam is a billion-dollar industry which sees animals taken from the wild and bred in captivity to be sold in markets, restaurants, online and used in pseudo-traditional medicines throughout the country.