Lambs cannot speak for themselves. It is up to us to spread the word far and wide about a needed ban on live lamb cutting (also known as mulesing) and urge the fashion industry and politicians to listen.
Over 10 million lambs as young as two weeks suffer excruciating pain when palm-sized pieces of skin and flesh are sliced of their tiny buttocks. Without adequate pain relief they feel every cut. This archaic practice is done to prevent fly infestation (flystrike) – a problem which can be prevented with pain-free alternatives.
80% of the fine merino wool used worldwide in clothing comes from Australia – the only country still using this traumatic method. Thus, this is a worldwide issue, with Europe, the U.S. and China the main consumers of Australian wool. Clothing items, from jumpers and sportswear to fancy suits, are stained with the cruelty of live lamb cutting and can be found anywhere. Together we can put an end to live lamb cutting and protect millions of lambs.

Be their voice and call for a ban on live lamb cutting to protect millions of lambs like Sunny.
The Australian wool industry made a promise 20 years ago (in 2004) to phase out the cruel procedure of live lamb cutting but has failed to act and abandoned their commitment one year before the deadline. Had they kept their commitment, an estimated 140 million lambs could have been spared this brutal procedure. Enough is enough!
With alternatives available, live lamb cutting has no place in a compassionate modern society. The industry and Australian government need to ban this cruelty and enable a transition towards available alternatives by 2030.
What you can do:
- Most importantly, please share the video and Sunny’s story on social media with your friends and family using the #BeTheirVoice and #BanLiveLambCutting hashtag. We need the world to know!
- Next, you can sign the petition calling on brands and governments to ban live lamb cutting.
- And finally, urge your favourite brand to sign the open Brand Letter of Intent, committing to live lamb cut-free wool and advocating for Australia to ban this cruel practice by 2030.