Our Demands in Art
View how our gallery of artwork outlines how to prevent the new pandemic
Never has there been a time more appropriate than now to call for a global change in the way we treat animals, from our approach to the way we farm, what we consume, and how we buy and care for animals, things need to change.
Both the legal and illegal trade of wild animals involves the transport of wildlife - and their pathogens - far and wide, intensifying contact with humans and increasing the chances of transmission.
By ending the dog and cat meat trade we could also minimise the risk of another global disease outbreak in the future, as well as protecting millions of companion animals worldwide.
Perhaps the most overlooked connection to the pandemic, although questionably one of the most important focuses for FOUR PAWS, is the connection to farm animals. Looking back at the history of pandemics, we know that 75% of these began from animals, many of which started in factory farms. This could likely be the best chance we have ever had of reversing the trend of industrial farming and ending factory farming.
These ten demands, accompanied by their respective artwork, outline our vision for a new world. You can find out more about our demands, the images and their artists, below.