Live Exports

Around the world, millions of farmed animals endure journeys that last days or even weeks on the road or at sea, only to be slaughtered on their arrival or fattened in cruel conditions which could be illegal in the UK. 

Whilst on their final journey, calves, cattle, pigs, sheep and other animals can suffer immensely from extreme overcrowding, exhaustion, hunger and dehydration, as well as fear and stress. 

The current state of affairs

In their 2021 Action Plan for Animal Welfare, the Government promised to end the export of live animals for slaughter and fattening. This commitment was due to be fulfilled by the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill, but this Bill was sadly dropped in May 2023. 

In its place, the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill was announced during the King’s Speech in November 2023. This Bill will prevent the horrendous shipments of farmed animals for days or weeks on unsuitable transport vessels that have seen dreadful accidents in the past with thousands of animals dying.   

The Bill has already passed through the House of Commons, and is now steadily making its way through the House of Lords. We are hopeful that this Bill will achieve Royal Assent quickly.

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