Seitan Goulash with Potato Fritter
Potato, potatoe - just delicious!

- 200 g seitan
- ½ onion
- 1 tbs rapeseed oil
- 3 stems of celery
- 6 staves from Puntarelle salad (or similar like chard, dandelion)
- 4 tomatoes
- tomato paste
- soy cream
- some vegetable stock
- 1 tsp spoon turmeric
- salt (sea-salt)
- spice blossoms
- 8 medium sized, waxy potatoes
- Seitan-Goulash
Cut seitan into strips, dice the onion and fry together in rapeseed oil. Chop the celery and Puntarelle salad, dice the tomatoes and put all in a pan. Sear briefly with tomato paste and deglaze with vegetable stock and some soy cream. Add some salt, turmeric and spice blossoms in the end. - Potato Fritter Boil 8 medium sized, waxy potatoes (without peeling) until they have a solid consistency (shouldn’t be too soft). Drain and let them cool off. Peel and grate the potatoes. Season with sea-salt. With some rapeseed oil, sear the potato mixture at medium heat in a pan. After some minutes turn the potato fritter a few times until it´s has a light brown color and is crispy.
Thanks to Elfe Scirè Calabrisotto for the delicious recipe!