Animal Charity

Welcome to Wear it Kind

Together, we can drive an animal-friendly fashion future! 


This week we see the launch of our brand-new Wear it Kind website and pledge! Wear it Kind uncovers the ugly truths behind animal cruelty in the textiles industry, from live-plucking geese for their feathers to breeding mink and foxes in cramped cages for their fur. Millions of animals suffer and die in the name of fashion, despite various sustainable recycled and plant-based fabrics becoming more readily available by the day. 

But the tide is changing. As Wear it Kind unveils the true horrors of animal cruelty in our clothing, consumer demand and brand reputation shifts. Kindness can fix fashion and Wear it Kind is here to support both you as a buyer, and brands and retailers, to transition to a world where there is compassion in fashion

Animal Charity

In 2021, we asked over 2,000 UK citizens to share their thoughts on animal cruelty in the fashion industry. We were delighted to see that one in three adults have changed their fashion preferences and now actively seek out fashion products that are either sourced from high animal welfare practices, or that avoid animal-based fashion products all together! Have you changed your fashion purchasing habits, or have you been inspired by Wear it Kind to make a change? 

Take our pledge to Wear it Kind today and show the world that you will not tolerate cruelty to animals in the name of fashion. Where possible choose animal-free alternatives or look for high animal welfare certifications such as the Responsible Wool Standard, so you can be safe in the knowledge that your wardrobe is animal-friendly. 

Animal Charity

So, you have taken the pledge and started your journey to an animal-friendly wardrobe, but what does this mean when it comes to buying from your favourite brands? It is not always obvious on a retailer’s website whether their clothing is free from cruel practices, so Wear it Kind is here to make it easier for you to make informed fashion choices. 

With our list of brands against mulesing, you can easily check which brands do not sell mulesed wool and which brands are committed to phasing it out, so you know that the jumper you buy is free from animal suffering. Are you concerned that your winter coat may have a real fur trim? As a member of the Fur Free Alliance, we have helped source over 1,500 brands that are guaranteed fur-free to make your shopping experience easier.

Animal Charity

Our research found that six in ten UK adults are aware of the cruelty involved in the fashion industry and most associate this cruelty with textiles like fur, exotic leather and down feathers. As we become more fashion conscious, it can be difficult to know what to look for when shopping for clothes, so our How to Wear it Kind Shopping Guide can help you make great choices that put animal welfare first! With so many animal-friendly options available, and more on the market every day, it’s never been easier to have a cruelty-free wardrobe. You can even download and print off our mini guide that easily slips into your handbag or wallet so you will never miss a trick next time you are on the high street! 

Animal Charity

It is clear that we as UK citizens want animal protection to be a key factor for companies when sourcing their products, but how can we as the customer make them change? You may feel that as a single person, you cannot make a difference, but this is far from the truth. Companies can make animal protection a priority if it is urged to by you as a customer and if it is forced to through legislation. Together, we can encourage brands to step up and take responsibility for the animals within their supply chains and commit to phasing out sales of mulesed sheep wool. As a nation that banned fur farming in 2000, we can make the final step by calling on our Government to ban the sale of all fur in the UK, once and for all. 

Whether you are done with down or fed up with fur, Wear it Kind is here to make your voice heard. We are committed to working with the fashion industry to achieve long-lasting change for animals, from highlighting the problems in supply chains to helping identify the solutions through plant-based alternatives. Wear it Kind is a movement, and we look forward to taking you on this journey with us to show that kindness in fashion makes good business sense

Animal Charity

Rebecca Dharmpaul

Campaigns Officer

Becky works in the Campaigns Team at FOUR PAWS, managing our Dog Cat Meat Trade campaign. She has a background in Zoology and animal welfare within sanctuaries, with over five years experience across several animal non-profits to aid in the protection of animals, both in the UK and internationally.

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