FOUR PAWS UK supports the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, but who else has championed this world-leading legislation?
On Friday 17 March this vital Bill passed its Report Stage and Third Reading (and possibly final stage) in the House of Commons meaning it is now progressing to the House of Lords, and one step closer to receiving Royal Assent and becoming law.
The overwhelming support for ending the UK’s role in the cruel so-called sport that is known as trophy hunting is wide-reaching. Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Dame Judi Dench, Kate Moss, Joanna Lumley, Peter Egan, Liam Gallagher, Ed Sheeran, Ricky Hatton and Ricky Gervais are just a handful of names that have publicly backed the legislation.

There are many myths lauded about trophy hunting and the purpose it poses. From the conservation of animals to supporting local communities and of course, the claim that only the smallest and weakest animals are killed. However, these have been disproved, and instead this so-called sport which is based on abhorrent cruelty has been enabled to continue. To put it simply, an activity that often involves animals suffering excruciating pain and an agonising death, all to grant bragging rights to its hunter, should not be enabled to continue.
As we’ve shown time and time again, the support for a hunting trophy import ban is overwhelming, and it’s not just coming from celebrities. We’ve seen over 8,000 of our supporters rally to our calls to email their MPs urging them to #GetTheBanDone. Additionally, with polling demonstrating the unwavering support of over 86% of the public who back a ban, it is clear that the nation are behind it.
So what comes next?
There are a few more steps to clear before this vital Bill becomes law, but we hope that it continues to get support both in and outside of Parliament, to ensure that the following stages progress without resistance.

We’ve not reached the finish line yet, and we may need to continue to call on your help to protect countless animals.
Stay tuned to our channels for more updates on this important Bill and how you can continue to help hold the UK Government to account on their commitments to animal welfare.